Com Ed is a manifestation of Satan-yes I'm sure

The pic is of S.D. and I at the dying of the river- yes, the river is supposed to be emerald green. It took a while to get that way, though. The pic was taken by Mrs.D, S's mother- great lady, and a survivor of a knitting group brunch.
I've been very busy dealing with the utilities company this week, because they are manifestations of Satan. Sister Mary Jo was right (my CCD teacher, and a dedicated Marxist). As she always said, Satan would manifest through corporations, stomping on worker's rights, and spreading evil throughout the world (the Catholic church- gotta love them for being the first organization to introduce me to protest ideology).
Anyways, our power was shut off Thursday for the non-payment of the bill. No, we were not delibrating not paying- it turns out WE WERE PAYING OUR NEIGHBORS' BILL FOR TEN MONTHS. Com ed has us down as --41 as the address, even though our lease says --39. --39 is the neighbors, who never received a utility bill for any services, so Com Ed shut down our power for non-payment-and weren't going to turn it back on for THREE business days.
To make matters more complicated, my roommate has her major exam to receive her creds yesterday and today, so she's slightly stressed (understatement of the year). She took off for a hotel, and I tried to navigate Satan aka Com Ed on the next day. I spent the night at J & S's-thanks, gals!!!
But, in a lucky break, our next door neighbor is an attorney at one of the big law firms downtown that has just sued Com Ed. He had a list of the statutes that they violated in turning off the power on a day that was colder than freezing. As soon as I mentioned the magic words "attorney" and "Statute # blah blah blah," they came within a half hour and turned back on the power.
Long and short of it, we have paid all of our neighbors' utilities (including gas) for ten months. The gas bill was especially high, since they took no energy saving precautions. We were much more conservative, and turned down the heat when we noticed how high the bill was. The utilities companies are going to back-bill them, and we get credited for all the money we paid into the accounts. Hopefully, we will have a positive balance. Fun has been had by all!
So, that was my saga of the utilities companies and the Great Power Outage of 2006. Bath water has been drawn, so I'm off to take a bath and read a great book that's for the dissertation.
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